TOKYO-Toyota plans todevelopa newbody designof theGT86.GT86isthe new bodywill be moretargetedbodysedansandshootingbrakesbody.
The statement was delivereddirectlyToyotachiefproductcompany, TetsuyaTada. Hesaid thatToyotais consideringa new versionof theToyotaGT86.
As reportedInautonews, the ideaofdevelopinga new bodyToyotaGT86will be morelikesedansandshootingbrakes. The Japanesegiantmanufacturerbeforeselectingcoupe modelas a basisof 86.
Aftercoupe, ToyotaGT86planalso get aconvertible model. GT86withouta roofwill slideintothe marketin the near future.
Furthermore,the new bodyof theGT86shootingbrakeversion of thesedananditwillstill usethe same engine asthe current model.The machine isalsoembeddedinScioSubaruBRZandFR-S.
Boxerengine2.0-liter, four-cylinder, combined withD-4S directinjection. Machineejectspower200horsepower at7,000 rpmengine speedand torque of205 Nm(151lb-ft at 6.600rpm). Power is channeledto therear-wheel drivewithsix-speed transmission.
PaganiHuayrahasto travelas far as1,000 kilometers(621miles)areindicated on theodometer.Comes withtwo color schemeson theexterior.This super carhas beentested byHoracioPagani.
PaganiHuayrasupercarthatisarmed with machineMercedes-BenzAMGV12withtwoturbochargers.The machine iscapable of spewingtotaloutputto 700horsepower.
Carswith peak torque of1,000 Nm(740lb-ft).The Italiansupercarisable to record theaccelerationfrom0 to100 kmlessthan 3.5seconds.The maximum speedthatcan be penetrated370 km/ h(230mph).
PaganiHuayraable to withstand1.5Glateralacceleration, the engine ismated toa seven-speedsequentialtransmission.This supercarpricedUSD1.150.000designedandhave begunsince2011.
MARANELLO-FerrariF150once againrevealthemselvesto the public.This timethe production version oftheFerrarisupercarteasedthrough photos.
The plan,FerrariF150willshowthemselvesfirston March 5,in the event theGenevaMotor Show2013.That's where theFerrariF150will showthe detailsin full.
FerrariF150is theinternalcode name.F150plottedtosuskesororsuccessor of theiconicFerrariEnzo.The plan, theFerrariF150will beexposeddirectlyto competewithMcLarenP1.
Machines usedFerrariF150BerlinettawithF12engine.Capable of sprayingpower of800 HP,assistedbyKERSthatcan addan extra150 HPpower.
Withthis machineenough to bringFerrariF150recordedaccelerationfrom0 to100 km/h inthreeseconds and0 to200 km/h insevenseconds.Maximum speed of370 km/ h.
The plan, theFerrariF150will only be producedas many as499units.Furtherdetailsof thefastest carsever producedFerrariwill be presentin Jenewa.
GENEVA-Ferrari became the main focus in the event the Geneva Motor Show 2013. Especially if not the latest variant as a successor to the Enzo, Ferrari introduced. Super car named LaFerrari. After
briefly made headlines with predictions of the model, the engine
capacity to its performance capabilities, the car has the code name F150
or F70 has appeared to the public. LaFerrari comes with dimensions of length 4702 mm, width 1116 mm and height of 1.992mm. Wheelbase 2665 mm with a weight of just 1255 kg. Weight distribution between front and rear 41 percent versus 59 percent. Ferrari LaFerrari uses double wishbone front suspension and multi-link setup in the rear. Handling will be presented from the fusion primed this chassis configuration. Affairs
brakes, Ferrari LaFerrari use Brembo carbon ceramic brakes, 398 x 223 x
36 mm at the front and 380 x 253 x 34 mm at the rear. Supercar
also adopted ESC, EF1-TRAC (Electronic Traction Control F1, which is
integrated with hybrid systems), new differential, magnetorheological
damping and sits on 19-inch alloy wheels and 265/30 in front and in the
back with a size 20 inch 345 / 30. The most important is what's under the bonnet embedded in this LaFerrari. There is a V12 engine with 6262 cc. Engine
capable of producing power of 800 horsepower (588 kW) at 9,000 rpm, and
peak torque of 700 Nm o (516 lb-ft), available at 6750 rpm. The unit is also used engine Ferrari F12 Berlinetta, but there is a difference in terms of power output. LaFerrari also use litsrik motors, which can provide additional power 163 HP (120 kW) and torque of 270 Nm (199 lb-ft). So the total output of Ferrari LaFerrari reaches 963 HP (708 kW), which is at 9250 rpm engine speed. Engine power is transmitted to the wheels by a seven-speed DCT transmission. Ferrari
LaFerrari can run to 100 km / h in under three seconds, 0 to 200 km / h
in under seven seconds and 0 to 300 km / h in 15 seconds. The maximum speed reached 350 km / h, with CO2 emissions of 330 g / km. Manufacturer based in Maranello LaFerrari only print as many as 499 units. plans, this supercar will be priced at $ 1, 69 million or equivalent to Rp16, 386 billion.
Paganihadsaid someyearsago thatthe newZondawill sooncome outof the production line.NewPagani Zondawill bedifferent from previous versions,and theZondasupercaris likelyto bethe last one released.
Zonda764Passionecould be avariant ofthe latter.Becauseit usesthe AMGV12enginewasno longer available.
PaganiZonda764Passioneusingcarbon fibergraycolor,stick witharchabovethe tire,exhaustpipeslight graycoloranda set ofblackwheels.While the cabinwith apurple-pinkcolor.
Althoughboth comefrom Italyis not easytodetermine thesound qualitysuperexclusiveas can beseen inboothPaganiatGenevaMotor Show2013.The concept ofperpetualPaganiinteriorwhich alongwith the feelon the road,anew paradigmis createdforanaudiosystem.
Weighting factorof major concern,becauseit ismaterialto thespeakerusinga specialcarbon material,in order toadjust to thecarbon-titaniummaterialusedPaganiHyuandra.Neodymiummagnetsare alsoused to reduce theweightand will notaffect theperformance ofthe Huayra.
Audio systembuiltSonusFaberhas the ability tothree-fold whencompared withthe standardversion of theHuayra, overallto 1,200watts!
The figure wasderivedfromthe structureof thenewamplifierSonusFaber.Speakerminimalvibrationbecausethe frameis made froma specialblendof materials,the amount ofgeometryhas beencalculatedto eliminatethe naturalresonanceand ultimatelycreate adisplayof pureand clearsound.
Diaphragmspeakers are alsomade withsuperlightweightcarbon materialtoimprove sound quality,makingsynergyunanimously andsolidfeelin thecabin.